Dong Nai General Hospital. Dong Nai | Vietnam

Dong Nai General Hospital, the country’s first public private partnership (PPP) model, was inaugurated on April 25 in the southern province of Dong Nai. Covering an area of 70,000 sqm, the hospital has a total investment capital of US$156 million, 60% of which came from the private sector.

It comprises two treatment buildings, a 4-5 star service facility, and a helicopter park. The significance of the PPP model applied in the hospital in raising healthcare quality and easing overload at public hospitals.

Chilled & condenser water circulation in a central air-condition system.

Pump type. Series & Model. Quantities

4sets DIN-MASTER Series . Single-stage End Suction Back Pullout
Model DMT100–320 c/w 22 kW, 4P electric motor.
3sets DIN-MASTER Series . Single-stage End Suction Back Pullout
Model DMT150–320 c/w 55 kW, 4P electric motor.
3sets DIN-MASTER Series . Single-stage End Suction Back Pullout
Model DMT80–400 c/w 30kW, 4P electric motor.
3sets DIN-MASTER Series . Single-stage End Suction Back Pullout
Model DMT125–400 c/w 55 kW, 4P electric motor.