Monoflo Serves Singapore's Icon of The Knowledge Economy...'one-north' | 2006 Dec
This 200-hectare site is to become a vibrant and thriving technopreneurial work-live-play-learn community which promotes innovation and experimentation. At one-north, Singapore's icon of the knowledge economy where talents gravitate to naturally and where diverse ideas thrive, is a place where exceptional minds congregate to live, work, relax and learn.
With a focus on knowledge-intensive activities in critical growth sectors, one-north would provide an intellectually stimulating and creative physical environment for entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers to congregate, interact and exchange ideas.
one-north comprises of several hubs, which includes the Biopolis and Fusionpolis.
Biopolis envisions to be a world-class biomedical science research & development hub in Asia. Biopolis phase 1 is a 185,000 sqm (2.0 million sqft) biomedical complex of 7 buildings. Several key government agencies, publicly-funded research institutes and R&D labs of pharmaceutical and biotech companies are located here.
Monolfo is proud to be the choice equipment installed in all the buildings in both phase 1 & 2, to circulate the chilled water in the air-conditioning systems.
Phase 1 - 41 units of Kompact horizontal split case pumpsets.
Phase 2 - 5 units of DIN-Master end suction pumpsets.
Phase 1 of Fusionopolis, a 120,000sqm state-of-the-art building designed by renowned Japanese architect Dr Kisho Kurokawa, is the choice location for world-class infocomms and media enterprises to work, live, play, learn and experiment. It will be home to an active community of researchers, content creators, financiers and other industry players from all over the world in the infocomms, media and education sectors.
There will be shared facilities such as production and audio studios and rendering farms and satellite teleports - neweconomy infrastructure not just for the production of media contents but also for experimentation with media and technology.
Installed in this state-of-the-art building, are eight large Monoflo ISO-Magna end suction back pullout pumpsets circulating in the central airconditioning system - ISM200x150-400 (6 nos.) and ISM125x80-400 (2 nos.). Due to the high working pressure, these pumps are constructed in ductile cast iron material to withstand the 24 bar working pressure.